Crate akd_core

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Core utilities for the auditable key directory akd crate. Mainly contains (1) hashing utilities for the core cryptographic operations involved in building an AKD and issuing proofs, (2) type definitions, and (3) protobuf specifications for all external types

The default configuration is to utilize the standard library (std) along with blake3 hashing (from the blake3 crate). If you wish to customize which hash and which features are utilized, you can pass --no-default-features on the command line or default-features = false in your Cargo.toml import to disable all of the default features which you can then enable one-by-one as you wish.

In the following, we will cover the protocol-level implementation details behind:

  • The setup parameters for an AKD
  • How the tree (and its root hash) is constructed from a set of ([AkdLabel], [AkdValue]) pairs
  • How lookup, history, and audit proofs work

§Setup parameters

An AKD is configured by a set of parameters which are set by the server when it is initialized. The server picks a random VRF private key vsk and derives (and distributes) a public key vpk to its clients. The server also produces a commitment key (commitment_key) by hashing the VRF private key. The VRF private key will be used to provide selective privacy of the database’s inserted labels to auditors and other clients, while the commitment key will be used to provide privacy over the database’s inserted values. Hence, both vsk and commitment_key must be kept private to the server and not leaked to any clients.

§Inserting into the Merkle Tree

The Merkle Patricia Tree is a perfect binary tree consisting of nodes that are associated with a NodeLabel and a 32-byte value (its hash). There are three types of nodes in the tree: the root node, the interior nodes, and the leaf nodes. The leaf nodes of the tree are positioned based on their NodeLabel, with a hash derived from the leaf node’s value and the epoch it was inserted into the tree. The interior nodes of the tree each consist of two child nodes, with their NodeLabel being the longest common prefix of their two children’s NodeLabels. The hash of an interior node is derived as the concatenation of the hashes of its two children along with their labels. The root node always has a label of 0, and its hash is the hash of its two children’s labels.

There are multiple steps for inserting a single (AkdLabel, AkdValue) pair into the tree:

§Step 1: Deriving an AzksElement

The server computes a VRF on AkdLabel to derive a NodeLabel which determines the leaf’s position in the tree. This is computed by the [akd::utils::get_hash_from_label_input] function, which sets the node label to be the output of a VRF, with the input to the VRF computed as: vrf_input = Hash(label, staleness, version)

Specifically, we concatenate the following together:

  • I2OSP(len(label) as u64)
  • The label in bytes
  • A single byte encoded as 0u8 if “stale”, 1u8 if “fresh”
  • A u64 representing the version (starting at 1 for newly inserted labels, and incremented by 1 for each update)

The resulting values are hashed together and used as the byte string (truncated to 256 bits) that is stored as the NodeLabel.

The server then computes a VRF on the NodeLabel to derive a value for the leaf node. This is computed as: node_label = VRF(vsk, vrf_input).

Once the node label for this entry is derived (as node_label), the functions compute_fresh_azks_value() and stale_azks_value() are used to commit the AkdValue to the tree. The actual value that is stored in the node is an AzksValue, generated using the server’s commitment key as follows:

  • commitment_nonce = Hash(commitment_key, node_label, version, I2OSP(len(value) as u64), value)
  • commmitment = Hash(I2OSP(len(value) as u64), value, I2OSP(len(commitment_nonce) as u64), commitment_nonce)

Finally, the commitment is hashed together with the epoch that it ends up being inserted into the tree, computed as: azks_value = Hash(commitment, epoch)

For each entry, the server constructs an AzksElement out of node_label and azks_value in the above-described manner with staleness set to VersionFreshness::Fresh and version to 1. If this is the nth time the label is being inserted into the tree where n > 1, then the server constructs two AzksElements, one with version set to n-1 and freshness set to VersionFreshness::Stale with node_value = Hash(0u8), and the other with version set to n and freshness set to VersionFreshness::Fresh, and node_value derived as above.

§Step 2: Inserting an AzksElement into the Merkle tree

In order to insert a single node label and value pair into the tree, the server constructs a leaf node new_node with this NodeLabel and commitment value, and identifies the leaf node lcp_node with the longest common prefix with this node in the tree. It creates an interior node with this prefix as its label, and makes new_node and lcp_node siblings based on the ordering of their NodeLabels. The hash for this interior node is computed as the concatenation of the hashes of its two children along with their labels, explicitly as: interior_node.label = longest_common_prefix(lcp_node.label, new_node.label) interior_node.hash = Hash(Hash(lcp_node.hash, lcp_node.label), Hash(new_node.hash, new_node.label)). The server then traverses up the tree, updating the hashes of all the interior nodes it encounters, until it reaches the root.

In the case of the root node, which may have only one child (or zero children in the event of an empty database), for the purposes of deriving the root node’s hash, the missing child’s hash is set to Hash(EMPTY_VALUE), and the label is set to Configuration::empty_label(). The final root hash output by the tree is then computed as: Hash(root_node.hash, NodeLabel::root()).

Conceptually, to insert multiple entries into the tree, the above process is repeated iteratively for each entry. In the implementation of the tree, however, the entries are inserted in batches, and the tree is updated in a single pass.

§Generating and verifying proofs

AKD supports three types of proofs: lookup proofs, history proofs, and audit proofs. A lookup proof is used to prove that a given label and value are present in the database. A history proof returns all the history of all values corresponding to a given label, and an audit proof is used to prove to an auditor that the database is being maintained in a consistent and append-only manner. The first two types of proofs rely on the ability to provide membership and non-membership proofs for the tree.

§Membership and non-membership proofs

A Merkle Patricia Tree supports membership and non-membership proofs for its leaf nodes. For a given NodeLabel and value, the server can produce a membership proof by traversing the tree from the root node to the leaf node corresponding to the target node_label. A MembershipProof for a node_label and value consists of the following:

  • The node_label of the leaf node
  • The hashed value of the leaf node (hash of the node_value and the epoch that the node was inserted in)
  • The hashes and labels of the sibling nodes along the path to the root

A client verifies this proof by iteratively traversing up the tree and computing the hash of the sibling nodes along the path from the leaf node to the root node. If the computed root hash matches the client’s expected root hash, the proof is considered valid.

A NonMembershipProof for a node_label consists of the following:

  • The node in the tree with the longest common prefix with the target label
  • A membership proof for this node
  • The two children of this node

A client verifies this proof by verifying the membership proof for the node with the longest common prefix, verifying that the two children’s hashes will hash to the node, and finally that the target label is not equal to either of the children’s node labels.

§Lookup proofs

A client is able to query for the stored AkdValue corresponding to the AkdLabel and a target root hash. The server returns a LookupProof which can be verified to extract a VerifyResult, which contains the corresponding AkdValue, along with the epoch it was inserted in and the version for the label.

Let n be the current version, and let m be the largest power of 2 that is at most n. The LookupProof consists of:

  • The commitment_nonce corresponding to the value, which the client can hash together with the value to reconstruct the commitment
  • A membership and VRF proof for version n being marked as fresh
  • A non-membership and VRF proof for version n being marked as stale
  • A membership and VRF proof for version m being marked as fresh

The client can then verify that commitment_nonce produces the proof’s hash value, and that the three subproofs are valid.

§History proofs

A client can query for a history of all (or a subset) of the versions associated with a given AkdLabel. The server returns a HistoryProof which can be verified to extract a list of VerifyResults, one for each version.

Let n be the latest version, n_next_pow the next power of 2 after n, and epoch_prev_pow be the power of 2 that is at most the current epoch. The HistoryProof consists of:

  • A list of UpdateProofs, one for each version, which each contain a membership proof for the version n being fresh, and a membership proof for the version n-1 being stale
  • A (possibly empty) series of membership proof for past versions
  • A (possibly empty) series of non-membership proofs for future versions

A client verifies this proof by first verifying each of the update proofs, checking that they are in decreasing consecutive order by version. Then, it verifies the remaining membership and non-membership proofs corresponding to the past and future versions.

The purpose behind these past and future version checks is essentially to ensure that, for a fixed epoch, two history proofs cannot present conflicting information about the history of updates for any given user’s versions. This is perhaps better illustrated by considering what could happen if the history proofs did not contain the past membership and future non-membership proofs. Then, an attacker could present two history proofs for the same epoch, one containing a version n and the other containing a version n+1, and the client would have no way to determine what the latest version for that user actually is. So, the way this is resolved (originally as described in the SEEMless paper) is to provide a series of non-membership proofs for future versions, and membership proofs for past versions, with the guarantee that for two differing versions n and m (assuming n < m), the corresponding history proofs will be such that the non-membership proofs for n will intersect for at least one version number with the membership proofs for m. This would force the server to have to equivocate on that version number, which would be detectable by the client.

There are several ways to algorithmically implement the past and future marker versions to guarantee that an intersection will always occur. One naive way is to simply have the server provide membership proofs for all versions from 1 to n (and 1 to m). This is the approach as described in OPTIKS (, which has the downside that the proof size is of course linear in the number of versions.

In this implementation, we use a more efficient approach, which is inspired by SEEMless’s approach to this problem (but is generalized to support “partial” history proofs that do not contain all versions of updates for a user). The basic idea is to include a constant number of membership proofs for past versions, and a relatively small number of non-membership proofs for future versions that technically still grows with the total number of epochs published, but by taking advantage of a carefully selected skiplist structure, the proof size is still logarithmic in the number of versions. This is described in the utils::get_marker_versions() function.

§Audit proofs

An audit proof allows for an auditor to verify, given two root hashes corresponding to consecutive epochs, that the first root hash corresponds to a tree that contains a subset of the values of the tree for the second root hash. In particular, no values were deleted or history altered betweeen the two epochs. The AppendOnlyProof consists of:

  • The hashes of each value that was added to the tree between the two epochs
  • The corresponding sibling nodes along the path from each of these added nodes to the root of the tree

The client first verifies that the corresponding sibling nodes can be used to reconstruct the first epoch’s root hash. Then, the client hashes each of the provided hash values with the epoch, and then verifies that the computed hashes can be used, alongside the sibling nodes, to reconstruct the second epoch’s root hash. For audit proofs that span multiple epochs and root hashes, these checks are repeated iteratively.



  • Defines the configuration trait and implementations for various configurations
  • This module contains implementations of a verifiable random function (currently only ECVRF). VRFs are used, in the case of this crate, to anonymize the user id <-> node label mapping into a 1-way hash, which is verifyable without being regeneratable without the secret key.
  • This module contains all the hashing utilities needed for the AKD directory and verification operations
  • This module contains all of the structs which need to be constructed to verify any of the following AKD proofs
  • Utility functions
  • This module contains verification calls for different proofs contained in the AKD crate



  • The number of children each non-leaf node has in the tree